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Leadership development

This programme is designed for leaders in your organisation who are committed to growth and development in order to succeed and to flourish. It offers Needs Understanding skills applied to you and the day to day scenarios you face, with time for you to learn the most relevant tools for you, and then to get support over time as you put them into practice.

Needs Understanding 6 month leadership programme

For leadership teams of two to six people, the programme offers personalised support so that you lead better and thrive doing it
Phase 1: 1 day leadership team training (month 1)

The programme kicks off with a fast paced day where you will discover core skills from Needs Understanding through the eyes of your day to day leadership experience*. By the end of the day, you will have a toolkit especially designed for leaders from the four Needs Understanding skill areas: listen with empathy, understand yourselves with compassion, speak to be heard, and act with care for everyone's needs.

*if you have taken part in other Needs Understanding training eg the 2 day core training, this day may not be necessary - for discussion

Phase 2: 5 x 2 hour sessions (months 2 - 6)

We meet monthly for five months and:

1. review the time since we met last, quickly identifying anything that you want input on

2. use the Needs Understanding framework to address issues, so that you become confident in applying the tools going forward 

We always aim to create a safe space where anyone is able to bring the issues they are struggling with or curious about, and everyone can practise offering empathic support.


What people say
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Needs Understanding is such a powerful and flexible tool.


It's helped me to find new ways forward in challenging situations, and to build even stronger relationships.

Jonathan Parr, Headteacher,

UK Junior School

©2024 by Needs Understanding

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